Quality MockUps
3 reviewsDescription
(This template is used for Workflow Contest)
What this workflow does
Simply place your logo on a surface, the process gives you quality results.
How to use this workflow
Locate the image and background of the mockup (2 images), then, use the *Rect Mask CONTROL 1* box to locate the place where you want your logo.
Tips about this workflow
The final results will always depend on the SD model you use, make sure you have one on hand that is suitable. Likewise, in the Hi-res Fix box it can assist you with another model to achieve more detail, many times it is not necessary... it depends on you.
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Versions (1)
- latest (a year ago)
Node Details
Primitive Nodes (9)
Anything Everywhere
Custom Nodes (37)
- CR LoRA Stack
- CR Prompt Text
- CLIPVisionLoader
- UpscaleModelLoader
- EmptyLatentImage
- PreviewImage
- VAEEncode
- VAEDecode
- FreeU_V2
- LoadImage
- ControlNetApplyAdvanced
- ControlNetLoader
- CLIPSegDetectorProvider
- SAMLoader
- TilePreprocessor
- IPAdapterModelLoader
- PrepImageForClipVision
- Efficient Loader
- HighRes-Fix Script
- Noise Control Script
- KSampler (Efficient)
- NNLatentUpscale
- Image To Mask
- Paste By Mask
- Create Rect Mask
- ConstrainImage|pysssss
- GetImageSize
- Seed Everywhere
- Image Rembg (Remove Background)
- Upscale by Factor with Model (WLSH)
Model Details
Checkpoints (0)
LoRAs (1)